Rounding in the Rings
报告时间:2021年2月3日 09:30-11:30
报告平台:腾讯会议 (会议ID :566 103 038)
主办单位:betway必威 网络信息安全团队
报告内容简介:Learning with Rounding (LWR) is an important variant of Learning with Error (LWE) used in post-quantum crypto designs. Toward efficiency, cryptographers proposed to use additional ring structures to improve practical parameters. Yet the additional math structures at the same time might face security subtleties an attacker might exploit. It is therefore important to determine whether we can enjoy the efficiency improvements from rings and still have convincing security guarantees.
In this talk, we will present a comprehensive study on hardness reductions for (Module) Learning with Rounding over rings (RLWR), particularly an overview of existing results and our new results.