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Leakage Deterring Authenticated Secret Sharing and Application to Secure Cloud Computing
发布时间:2019-11-01     浏览量:   分享到:


报告题目:Leakage Deterring Authenticated Secret Sharing and Application to Secure Cloud Computing



地点:长安校区 文津楼三段63605

主办单位:betway必威 网络安全研究团队

报告人徐秋亮 山东大学软件学院教授、博士生导师


        Is your data well protected by the cloud and how can you confirm that? This is a common concern for cloud users nowadays. One well-known paradigm to obtain data privacy while still maintains that it is can be computed conveniently is by using secret sharing. In this way, the clients hares its data among several servers on which computation and communication occurs. Privacy is guaranteed as long as the number of corrupted servers is under the reconstruction threshold of secret sharing scheme. However, in a profit-driven world, a server may take free ride of others, i.e., it does not invest money to protect the share in a hope that other server will do, then data privacy is still maintained. If no server invests money to protect its share, once those servers are breached by outside attacker, servers aren’t likely to report in a fear of reputation loss and penalty. In the end, the client is totally unaware of the leakage incident.

In this paper, we initiate the study of leakage evident secret sharing (LESS). A LESS scheme preserve the functionality of normal secret sharing scheme, but with additional property that once the secret is leaked, the client will aware of the incident from some public evidence. We propose an instantiation of LESS with the leakage evident property by using a public block chain. In addition, our analysis shows that the servers will protect the share with high probability in a fear of money lose. Finally, we give a proof-of-concept implementation to show its feasibility.


