地点:长安校区 文津楼三段6层628报告厅
主办单位:betway必威 网络信息安全团队
讲座题目一:Content-Centric Networking and Security
讲座人:穆怡 教授
Content-centric networks (CCNs) offer an entirely new type of network topology, which provides a new way to distribute information in the data-driven network. Unlike the TCP/IP network topology, which is address-driven, content-centric networks do not require any address. Based on the content-to-consumer paradigm, content-centric networking architecture was proposed for the content to be provided efficiently with great convenience to users. In this talk, the history and concepts of CCN will be presented. In particular, we will discuss its security and propose potential solutions. We will explore the relationship between CCN security solutions and traditional cryptography such as Identity-Based Encryption and Attribute-Based Encryption.
Professor Yi Mu (穆怡) received his Bachelor in Physics from Fuzhou University in 1982 and his PhD from the Australian National University in 1994. He is currently a professor in the College of Mathematics and Informatics at Fujian Normal University, China. Before joining Fujian Normal University in 2018, he was a professor in Computing and Information Technology at University of Wollongong, Australia. He was the Head of School of Computer Science and Software Engineering at University of Wollongong, Australia, during 2011-2015. He has undertaken internationally recognised research in many aspects of security research and quantum physics. His current research interests include cryptography, information security and quantum cryptography. He has published over 500 peer-reviewed papers including many seminal works in quantum cryptography and cryptography. He has published in top-quality journals, including IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Transactions on Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, etc. He has also published many papers at top-tier cryptography and security conferences such as CRYPTO, EURCRYPT, ASIACRYPT, ACACS, PKC, FSE, CT-RSA, and ESORICS. Professor Mu was the editor-in-chief of International Journal of Applied Cryptography and has served as associate editors for several other reputable international journals. His research has been funded by Australian Research Council and National Nature Science Foundation of China, along with research fundings from industry. He has served as program chairs and members of program committee over 200 conferences including ACM CCS, ESORICS, AisaCCS, etc. He is a senior member of the IEEE.
讲座人:田俊峰 教授
讲座人:贾春福 教授
BSA(Business Software Alliance)于2018年最新发布的调查报告表明:全球(特别是中国)软件非授权使用仍非常普遍、2017年度由此造成的损失就高达约463亿美元。报告就软件知识产权保护面临的威胁、技术现状和发展趋势进行了总结和分析,并结合所在团队的软件知识产权保护技术研究进展,介绍了该领域的研究动态。