讲座题目:Control-enhanced quantum parameter estimation
讲座人:刘京 (华中科技大学引力中心) 副研究员
地点:长安校区 文津楼三段6层612学术讨论室
主办单位:betway必威 计算智能团队
讲座内容:A pivotal task in quantum metrology, and quantum parameter estimation in general, is to design schemes that achieve the highest precision with the given resources. Standard models of quantum metrology usually assume that the dynamics is fixed and that the highest precision is achieved by preparing the optimal probe states and performing optimal measurements. However, in many practical experimental settings, additional controls are usually available to alter the dynamics. Here we propose to use optimal control methods for further improvement of the precision limit of quantum parameter estimation. We show that, by exploring the additional degree of freedom offered by the controls, a higher-precision limit and stability can be achieved.
讲座人简介:刘京,副研究员。2015年博士毕业于浙江大学物理系,2015-2017年在香港中文大学从事博士后研究,2018年1月入职华中科技大学引力中心。,已在Physical Review A,New Journal of Physics等杂志上发表文章18篇。主要研究领域量子精密测量,量子信息,开放系统等。