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Asymptotic entanglement manipulation under PPT operations: new SDP bounds and irreversibility
发布时间:2016-11-18     浏览量:   分享到:

讲座题目:Asymptotic entanglement manipulation under PPT operations: new SDP bounds and irreversibility

Runyao Duan 教授



    点:长安校区 图书馆西附楼学术报告厅



We study various aspects of asymptotic entanglement manipulation of general bipartite states under operations that completely preserve positivity of partial transpose (PPT). Our key findings include: i) an additive semi-definite programming (SDP) entanglement measure which is an improved upper bound of the distillable entanglement than the logarithmic negativity; ii) a succinct SDP characterization of the one-copy deterministic distillation rate and an additive upper bound; iii) nonadditivity of Rains’ bound for a class of two-qubit states; and iv) two additive SDP lower bounds to the Rains’ bound and relative entropy of entanglement, respectively. These findings enable us to efficiently evaluate the asymptotic distillable entanglement and entanglement cost for several classes of mixed states. As applications, we show that for any rank-two mixed state supporting on the 3-level anti-symmetric subspace, both the Rains’ bound and its regularization are strictly less than the asymptotic relative entropy of entanglement. That also implies the irreversibility of asymptotic entanglement manipulation under PPT operations, one of the major open problems in quantum information theory.

Joint works with Mr Xin Wang (UTS), available at arXiv:1601.07940, 1605.00348 and 1606.09421.


Runyao Duan is currently a Professor and the Founding Director of the Centre for Quantum Software and Information (since 15 September 2016), Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, UTS, Australia. He received the BS and PhD from the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China in the years of 2002 and 2006, respectively. On graduation he joined the same department as an Assistant Professor. From October 2007 to April 2008, he was a visiting Research Scientist in the University of Michigan. In December 2008, he moved to UTS as a Senior Lecturer (continuing position) and the Founding Director of the Quantum Computation Laboratory at UTS, and was promoted to Associate Professor in August 2010. Since July 2012, he has become an ARC (Australian Research Council) Future Fellow and Professor. Prof Duan has also been the Deputy Director of UTS-Tsinghua Joint Research Centre Joint Research Centre for Quantum Computation and Artificial Intelligence and UTS-Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science (AMSS) joint Research Laboratory for Quantum Computing and Quantum Information Processing since 2013 and 2012, respectively.

Prof Duan has been working in the field of quantum information theory since 2002, and has made several fundamental and methodological contributions in the areas of quantum operation discrimination, quantum state discrimination, zero-error communication via noisy quantum channels, and quantum entanglement transformation. One of his current research interests is to apply SDP techniques to quantum entanglement theory and quantum Shannon theory. In particular, together with Prof Andreas Winter from UAB, he showed that the celebrated Lovász number is exactly the zero-error classical capacity of a graph assisted by quantum no-signalling correlations, thus providing a complete information-theoretic interpretation of the Lovász number for the first time since 1979. Up to now, Prof Duan has published about 70 papers in prominent international referred journals including Physical Review Letters and IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. His research works were presented at international competitive conferences including POPL, QIP, AQIS, and ISIT. He served and chaired the Steering Committee of QIP conferences, and was the head of QIP2015 Local Organizing Committee. He also served the Program Committee of AQIS2012, AQIS2014-6, TQC2013, and QIP2017.