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Cloud-Based Decision Making for Health Care Systems
发布时间:2016-09-23     浏览量:   分享到:

讲座题目:Cloud-Based Decision Making for Health Care Systems

人: Hamido Fujita 教授



     点:长安校区 文津楼三段4层betway必威学术报告厅 

主办单位:betway必威 生物大数据计算团队


In this keynote I will highlight the role of data variety and data evolution in decision making in the cloud, as big data in variety of forms have to be preprocessed balanced and customized to be used for accurate feature extract and data analysis in cloud to achieve good prediction with satisfactory accuracy.  The medical decision support based on sampled data analysis in the cloud in relation to preferences collected from a situated environment could be inaccurate or unbalanced due big data evolution and uncertainty.  In this keynote there is a need to highlight on such hot research topics that is part of big data analysis and sees what are the challenge and possible solutions.

I will approach in this talk on issues in ensemble learning and multi-classification techniques current state of art.  Also we look to the objective criteria in decision making using these approaches. I will emphasize in my talk on subjective correlations among criteria providing better projection on objective data in relation to the situation that require accurate predictions, like in health care systems.  Subjectivity would be examined based on correlations between different contextual learning structures that are reflecting the framework of personal context, for example in nearest neighbor based correlation analysis fashion or applied neural network.  Some of the attributes incompleteness also may lead to affect the approximation accuracy.  Attributes with preference-ordered domain relations properties become one aspect in ordering properties in rough approximations. We will look to these new directions in health care domain, for early health risk predictions, and provide several demonstrations in Virtual Doctor System (VDS) developed by my group as a system assisting human doctor who is practicing medical diagnosis in real situation and environment. The interoperability is represented by utilizing the medical diagnosis cases of medical doctor, represented in machine executable fashion based on human patient interaction with virtual avatar as robot interaction resembling a real doctor based on machine learning developed by my group


He is Chair professor at Iwate Prefectural University (IPU), Iwate, Japan, and director of Intelligent Software Systems. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Knowledge-Based Systems, Elsevier since 2008, by his leadership the journal is not in Q1 and top 15 among high ranking journals.  He was establishment committee member of IPU and head of Information Systems for five years (1998~2003). He received Doctor Honoris Causa from Obuda University, Budapest Hungry in 2013 on high achievement in Legacy system and Knowledge-Based technology, and he is has a title of Honorary Professor from Obuda University, Budapest, Hungary in 2011. He received honorary scholar from University of Technology Sydney, Australia on 2012. He also received honorary professorship from Xian Communication University, Xian China, and Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China, Tonji University (Shanghai) top talent pulpit award, on 2016.   He is Adjunct professor to Stockholm University, Sweden, University of Technology Sydney, National Taiwan Ocean University, Southwest Jiaotong University (Chengdu China) and others. He has supervised PhD students jointly with University of Laval, Quebec; University of Technology, Sydney, Australia; Oregon State University (Corvallis), University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, Paris University of Genoa, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, (Singapore), University Technology of Malaysia (Johor) and others. He has four international Patents in Software System and Several research projects with Japanese industry and partners. He is vice president of International Society of Applied Intelligence (ISAI), and Distinguished Program Committee member of IEEE SMC society, and Technical Committee member of Cyber-medical Systems, (IEEE SMC society).  He has published more than 200 papers in high ranking journal and reputed international conferences, given many keynotes in many prestigious IEEE international conferences on intelligent system and subjective intelligence.  He is also editor in journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Springer), King Saud Journal and others.  He is the founder of SoMeT Incorporation (New Software Methodologies Tools and Techniques) in year 2000, He headed a number of projects including Intelligent HCI, a project related to Mental Cloning as an intelligent user interface between human user and computers and SCOPE project on Virtual Doctor Systems for medical applications funded by Japanese Ministry of Interior Affairs and Communications.