讲座题目:Smooth Projective Hash Functions: Definition, Applications and Extension
讲座人:穆怡 教授
地点:长安校区 文津楼三段622研讨室
主办单位:betway必威 网络信息安全团队
Smooth Projective Hash Functions (SPHF) were introduced by Cramer and Shoup in 2002. Since then, it has been found very useful for many cryptographic applications. Interests on SPHF have been grown because of its new development and applications in many interesting areas. In this talk, SPHF will be introduced along with examples and some well-motivated applications including oblivious transfer and password-based authentication. An extension of SPHF family is also given to provide linearity and homomorphism to SPHF, which open out new applicability of SPHF. As an application of these new features, a privacy-enhanced encrypted keyword search scheme will also be discussed.
Professor Yi Mu received his PhD from the Australian National University in 1994. He is currently a full professor and Director of Centre for Computer and Information Security Research at University of Wollongong, Australia. He was the Head of School of Computer Science and Software Engineering at University of Wollongong during 2011-2015. Prior to joining University of Wollongong, he was a senior lecturer in the Department of Computing, Macquarie University. He also worked in the Department of Computing and IT, University of Western Sydney as a lecturer. He has been with the University of Wollongong since 2003. His current research interest includes cryptography, information security and quantum cryptography. He has published over 370 research papers, including over 140 journal papers. His research has been funded by Australian Research Council and industry. He has served as program chair and member of program committee over 200 conferences including ACM CCS, ESORICS, ACISP, AisaCCS, etc. and is currently a member of the steering committees of AsiaCCS, CANS and ProvSec. Professor Yi Mu is the editor-in-chief of International Journal of Applied Cryptography and serves as associate editor for nine other international journals including Information Sciences, The Computer Journal, etc. He is a senior member of the IEEE. Further information about Professor Yi Mu can be found at http://www.uow.edu.au/~ymu.